GDPR Update

In light of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) which came into play today, we have updated our website Privacy Policy which can be found here.

In other preparation to comply with this new regulation, Pearts staff received their training in GDPR this week and are now fully aware that it does not stand for GDown to the Post Room or General Daily Productivity Rate but does, in fact, mean General Data Protection Regulation. 

All staff will be working extremely hard to make sure they adhere to our new policies which we have implemented to keep us fully compliant.

For more information on this new EU regulation, visit

Tadgh Kelly Solicitor Awarded First-Class Honours Masters Degree

Tadgh Kelly Solicitor, who heads-up our Private Client Services has been awarded a first-class honours Masters Degree in Laws from the Law Society of Ireland School of Law.

His main area of research as part of his Masters programme was in the area of head injury arising out of car on bicycle collisions, paying particular attention to the courts view of the efficacy of the bicycle crash helmet in injury prevention and the degree of reduction in awards in compensation for the non-wearing of a bicycle crash helmet.

When asked why he wanted to focus on this particular topic, he replied, Keep reading →

Neighbours and the Law – Tadgh Kelly Solicitor will Kick-Start a Series of Talks in Rathmines Library May 16th

Rathmines Library is hosting a series of talks on the theme of House and Home, and the first speaker to kick-start the event on May 16th at 6.30pm is our very own Tadgh Kelly Solicitor.

Do you have encroaching roots from next door? Or can you lop overhanging branches? What are your legal rights when it comes to neighbourhood issues? As the author of Neighbours and the Law, Ireland’s first publication dealing with legal issues that may arise between neighboursTadgh is extremely knowledgeable on this topic and will give a fascinating talk, with a question and answer session to follow.

So if you have an interest in hearing about the maze of everyday issues that occur in urban and rural neighbourhood life, and practical advice and remedies to go with them, then pop along to Rathmines Library at 6.30pm on May 16th.

See here for more information on the event and the rest of the talks taking place until the end of May.